Browse Subject

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
SS4000 Cultures, Identity and Difference SS4000 Module
SS4011 Principles of community work SS4011 Module
SS4018 Introduction to Self-leadership SS4018 Module
SS4040 The anti-oppressive practitioner SS4040 Module
SS4041 Counselling skills and youth work SS4041 Module
SS4043 Introduction to communities SS4043 Module
SS4044 Self Leadership SS4044 Module
SS4051 Self leadership SS4051 Module
SS4W00 Initial Fieldwork Preparation and Practice 1 SS4W00 Module
SS5002 Human Rights, Social Justice and Diversity SS5002 Module
SS5018 Management and Leadership in Youth and Community Organisations SS5018 Module
SS5036 Principles and Practice of Youth Work SS5036 Module
SS5039 Development and Social Enterprise SS5039 Module
SS5060 Employability in the Community Sector SS5060 Module
SS5068 Housing issues and solutions SS5068 Module
SS5084 Researching Diversities and Inequalities SS5084 Module
SS5085 Black Studies: Resistance, Creativity and Joy in the Capital SS5085 Module
SS5087 Sociological Perspectives on Youth Transitions SS5087 Module
SS5089 Decolonisation and globalisation SS5089 Module
SS5090 The reflexive and reflective practitioner SS5090 Module
SS5091 Counselling in youth and community settings SS5091 Module
SS5092 Leadership and communities SS5092 Module
SS5094 Researching Youth and Community Issues SS5094 Module
SS5095 Transnational communities SS5095 Module
SS6001 Development and Social Enterprise SS6001 Module
SS6009 Management and Supervision in Youth and Community Work Settings SS6009 Module
SS6058 Housing issues and solutions SS6058 Module
SS6083 Counselling in groups SS6083 Module
SS6084 Community activism and digital campaigning SS6084 Module
SS6085 Diverse London SS6085 Module
SS6P07 Community and youth dissertation SS6P07 Module
SS6W01 CDL Work Placement SS6W01 Module
SS6W02 Work Placement for professional development SS6W02 Module
SS6W03 Specialist Fieldwork Practice 3 SS6W03 Module
SS7002 Introduction to Youth and Community Work SS7002 Module
SS7003 Community Continuity and Change SS7003 Module
SS7004 Commissioning Youth and Community Services SS7004 Module
SS7005 Community Activism SS7005 Module
SS7006 Trauma Mental Health and Well-being SS7006 Module
SS7007 Designing Youth and Community Research SS7007 Module
SS7P03 Youth and Community Dissertation SS7P03 Module
SS7W01 Assessed Practice in Youth and Community Work SS7W01 Module
SW4002 Human Growth and Development: A Life Course Perspective SW4002 Module
SW4005 Introduction to Working with Young People SW4005 Module
SW4006 Communication, Skills and Values in Social Work SW4006 Module
SW4007 Assessing, Planning and Professional Ethics SW4007 Module
SW4008 Social Contexts for Social Work SW4008 Module
SW4010 Lifespan Development SW4010 Module
SW4011 Readiness for Direct Practice SW4011 Module
SW5000 Law for Social Work Practice SW5000 Module
SW5050 Law for Social Work Practice SW5050 Module
SW5052 Theoretical Perspectives in Social Work SW5052 Module
SW5053 Safeguarding Children and Adults SW5053 Module
SW5056 Interprofessional Practice SW5056 Module
SW5057 Creative critical reflective approaches to practice SW5057 Module
SW5W02 Social Work Practice Placement 1 SW5W02 Module
SW5W03 Practice learning 1 - first placement SW5W03 Module
SW6053 Effective Social Work Practice with Children and Adults SW6053 Module
SW6055 International relationship-based practice for social change SW6055 Module
SW6P02 Project Research SW6P02 Module
SW6P03 Becoming Research Minded for Practice SW6P03 Module
SW6W00 Social Work Practice Placement 2 SW6W00 Module
SW6W02 Practice learning 2 - second placement SW6W02 Module
SW7006 Action Learning Facilitation SW7006 Module
SW7047 Professional Law for Social Work SW7047 Module
SW7049 Practice Learning 1 SW7049 Module
SW7050 Practice Learning 2 SW7050 Module
SW7051 Evaluating Research SW7051 Module
SW7053 Critical Aspects of Human Growth and Development SW7053 Module
SW7054 Safeguarding Children and Adults SW7054 Module
SW7055 Communication, Skills and Values in Social Work SW7055 Module
SW7059 Social Work Theories and Perspectives SW7059 Module
SW7060 Practice Education SW7060 Module
SW7061 Effective Social Work Practice with Children and Adults SW7061 Module
SW7062 Applied Law for Social Work SW7062 Module
SW7063 Social Work Theories and Perspectives SW7063 Module
SW7064 Assessment Planning and Professional Ethics SW7064 Module
SW7065 Readiness for Practice SW7065 Module
SW7066 Development across the lifespan for Social Work SW7066 Module
SW7067 Understanding Mental Health Decision Making Risk and Partnership Working SW7067 Module
SW7068 Law and Policy for Mental Health Practice SW7068 Module
SW7069 Assessment Planning and Professional Ethics SW7069 Module
SW7070 Readiness for Direct Practice SW7070 Module
SW7071 Applied Law for Social Work SW7071 Module
SW7072 Social Work Theories and Perspectives SW7072 Module
SW7073 Development across the lifespan for Social Work SW7073 Module
SW7P00 Research Mindedness for Practice SW7P00 Module
SW7P29 Social Work Dissertation SW7P29 Module
SW7W00 Social Work Practice Learning 1 - First placement SW7W00 Module
SW7W01 Social Work Practice Learning 2 - Second placement SW7W01 Module
SW7W02 Social Work Practice Learning 2 (Transition) SW7W02 Module
SW7W03 Mental Health Practice Placement SW7W03 Module
SW7W05 Social Work Practice Learning 2 - Second placement SW7W05 Module

Lists linked to Social Work, Community and Youth

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Social Work Researchmindedness Staff Reading List Extras 14/03/2024 13:43:34